
Quality printing supplies with integrity since 1964.

Strong partners are the key to success and benefit our customers too. Take a look at just some of our impressive product range and you’ll be amazed at the possibilities and more available when you choose machinery and materials from bauer+bauer.

Get in touch »

Screen printing

Machinery for screen printing plus consumables and servicing

Screen printing »

Pad printing

Machinery for pad printing plus consumables and servicing

Pad printing »

Digital printing

Machinery for digital printing plus consumables and servicing

Digital printing »

Offset printing

Machinery for offset printing plus consumables and servicing

Offset printing »


Our machinery business is highly individual and project-based. Our printing and finishing machinery, configured to suit customer requirements, is delivered directly to the customer after a thorough quality check at the manufacturing plant.

Prompt service and spare parts are delivered just in time. All our partners also offer a 24-hour over-night service.


Having a large product range also entails a lot of responsibility. Responsibility to customers and to suppliers. That’s why we’ve bundled all our strengths and supply our customers in Austria and Hungary exclusively from our central warehouse in Vienna.

We can also fall back on the central warehouses of individual manufacturers in urgent cases and for new product launches.

Machine service

We’ve been supplying and servicing machines for the printing industry for over 50 years. From the pre-press stage to offset printing, from digital printing to finishing.

When you buy machinery from bauer+bauer, you always get the back-up of a strong service partner as well.

Brands and manufacturers

Coates Screen Inks GmbH

One of the world’s leading companies in the production of screen and pad printing inks.

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The world’s leading manufacturer in the field of cleaning technology.

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Digital printing machinery for professional users in the printing trade.

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„Quality with integrity is not just a phrase. It’s the philosophy with which we’ve been running our business for two generations.“

- Peter Bauer senior, CEO


Vienna / Austria

bauer+bauer International GmbH Nfg. KG
Holzhausenplatz 1/1
1140 Wien

+43 / 1 / 415 410

Budapest / Hungary

bauer+bauer International GmbH Nfg. KG
Magyarországi Fióktelepe
2040 Budaörs, Puskás Tivadar u. 5.

+ 36 / 70 / 466 / 4777

+36 / 70 / 466 / 4788

Are you looking for a supply source for screen, pad, digital and offset printing?

Whether printing presses, consumables or service for your machinery: bauer+bauer is the right choice. We have decades of experience, a team of specialists and quality with integrity.

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